Sunday 6 April 2014

Emily-Grace Photography Interviews Location Photographer: Mike Caldwell

For my upcoming presentation on a genre of photography that interests me, I have decided to research freelance location photography. For this I interviewed location photographer Mike Caldwell.

Mike Caldwell has been capturing images for most of his life. After an upbringing in the North of England Caldwell moved to London, where he assisted many of the capital's leading photographers, in studios and on location. During this time he managed to create his own portfolio specialising in location photography. 

Early commissions came from travel business, taking Caldwell to many European destinations, followed by commissions from the editorial world, shooting a wide range of subjects. During the early 90s, Caldwell's clientele moved towards the design and advertising sector, which is the field he works in today. 

Caldwell's work has taken him around the world, and continues to do so. His projects have ranged from photographing luxury resorts in the Caribbean to steel mills in Russia; his location experience is second to none, and his client list is most impressive with many of them long standing.

Whilst having an invaluable background in traditional film and printing methods, Caldwell has fully embraced the digital revolution and now photographs in top end digital equipment - but is happy to dust off the film cameras should the occasion arise! He has also equipped himself with a multitude of lights and accessories to insure the success of every photo shoot, complete with a dedicated location vehicle and also assistants. 

Caldwell is a D&D award winner and a member of the Association of Photographers (AOP).

The Interview

Q: Do you use any specialist equipment, if so what do you use and why?
A: These images were shot on a Hasselblad flexbody, with Phase One digital back. The flexbody is great for architectural/interiors work, providing sufficient movements "in camera" without having to tweak the verticals etc afterwards. It's a mini view camera really. Phase One backs give fantastic image quality.

Q: Are there any key skills within location photography?
A: Understanding of light/time of day to shoot is important. Being organised is also vital!

Q: Who are your competitors in location photography?
A: I've poisoned them all. No, seriously - there are many good photographers out there that I'm always competing with; but it's not just about taking great pictures. You have to have good client interaction skills, be as professional as possible, and always deliver on time and within budget.

Q: What kind of marketing and PR do you use?
A: My website is my main marketing tool. I'm fortunate that most of my work comes via word of mouth, and I also have some very good long-standing clients. One must never be complacent however - as I've just said, there are many very good photographers out there, and many perfectly capable of doing the jobs that your are doing. I have a presence on the AOP website, and also advertise in Contact.

Q: What are the average rates and prices you charge a client for your work?
A: Approx £1500.00/day, plus post production and expenses. Plus vat.

Q: What kind of insurance do you use, if any?
A: All my equipment is insured. I also have public liability insurance.

Q: Finally, what are the highs and lows of working as a location photographer?
A: There are many highs - seeing the world, seeing things that you would never ordinarily get to see. The lows....probably when it's raining cats and dogs and you're waiting for good light!

Thank you for your time and helping me with my work.

EGPhotography x

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